Hi everyone!

We are Josephine & David and
we are driving all over the world. 

At the moment we travel with our
Land Rover Defender from Europe to Southeast Asia
and back to Europe again!

We drive, you follow.

Did you know?

🇱🇰 – Displaying a tattoo of Buddha can get you arrested or even deported out of Sri Lanka! Luckily we don’t have Buddha tattoos…

🇱🇰 – The small surface area of Sri Lanka encompasses as many as eight UNESCO world heritage sites! Unfortunately the hefty entrance fees make visiting all a bit more difficult…

🇮🇳 – Although the Islamic state of Pakistan is the 6th biggest country in the world population wise, more muslims were counted living in India (17,62,00,000) than in Pakistan (16,74,10,000) in a 2010 census.

🇵🇰 – In the Netherlands the budget for the army is about 1.2% of the GDP. Pakistan’s military expenditures, however, represented 25–29 percent of the GDP!

🇵🇰 – Did you know that China and Pakistan are working closely together? Check out the China-Pakistan Sea Pact. Some believe it will change Pakistan’s destiny…

🇮🇷 – Tehran has crazy traffic and the city is one of the 10 cities with the worst air pollution in the world. Because of this, there is a law of “every other day” for Tehranis who want to drive their car. According to the last number on their car license plate, they can either drive their car on “odd days” or “even days”.

🇹🇷 – Although Turkey has probably bigger things to talk about now, Erdogan is planning to dig a second maritime link between the Black and Marmara Seas, similar to the Panama Canal!


How to Not get a Chinese visa

How to Not get a Chinese visa

My last story ended with an impossibly exciting cliff-hanger, so I am sure you are all now basically falling of your chair off of excitement. Here it is folks, the follow-up, no more sleepless nights! Today we talk about the nerve wrecking process of getting a visa for world’s most bureaucratic country: China. Ready for some more bureaucracy?

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Let’s Tackle Some Indian Stereotypes

Let’s Tackle Some Indian Stereotypes

You all have seen Slumdog Millionaire, right? Well, if not: don’t. The movie is full of stereotypes. Kids stealing shit, slum life like hell and a Slumdog boy only being able to win this quiz by luck and not because he has some real knowledge. Or does the movie really show India as it is? One simple question for you, before continuing reading: when thinking of India, what do think of?

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Bureaucratic Bullsh*t

Bureaucratic Bullsh*t

Right, an angry title..
Why? Because bureaucracy can be rather frustrating, especially if it seems unnecessary. And boy did we encounter superfluous, illogical and random rules and regulations! Driving your own car to another continent requires a lot of planning, changing set plans and finding your way in the maze that we call bureaucracy. This article is to tell you about the logistics of moving your car around the world and to let you in on some tips (and maybe it also helps in airing my frustrations…).

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